
  • 12/11 O Little Town Of Bethlehem, McLachlan

    ‘O Little Town Of Bethlehem’ sung by Sarah McLachlan

    A truly beautiful rendition of the song. Sweet, soft and loving. I could feel Spirit moving through Sarah as she sang. Ahhh, nice!

    Artist: Sarah McLachlan, Song: O Little Town of Bethlehem, Album: Wintersong (2006), Arista Records, LLC, a unit of Sony BMG Music Entertainment, Words: Bishop Phillips Brooks, Music: Lewis Henry Redner.

    The-Christmas-Star, YarraAfter a pilgrimage to Bethlehem in 1868 Bishop Phillips Brooks (1835-1893) wrote O Little Town of Bethlehem. The beautiful evening view of the Holy city from the hills of Palestine inspired him. Lewis Redner (1831-1908) Brooks’ church organist set the words to music for the children’s choir. You can find out more about this Christmas classic at:

    The photograph right called ‘The Christmas Star’ by Debbie Yarra is a wonderful compliment to the song. It was taken 3 days before Christmas 1999 in The Garden of the Gods, Colorado. Spectacular!

    May your Holidays be filled with inspiration and love.


    SarahMcLachlan Sarah McLachlan singer/songwriter was born January 28, 1968 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Growing up she took voice lessons, and studied classical piano and guitar. At 17 she fronted for the band The October Game, following their first concert she was offered a recording contract by Nettwerk. She is a 3-time Grammy and 8-time Juno Award-winning multi-platinum recording artist. Listen to her amazing music, read news, buy CDs and learn more at

    Debbie Yarra Debbie Yarra is a self-taught photographer who took her first photograph in 1980. She lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Debbie says, “I want to capture the beauty and emotion of light, for that is the essence of God.”You can see more of Debbie’s beautiful images at

    ~Bonnee Klein Gilligan

  • 12/10 The Messenger

    Stephanie Pui-Mun Law-gabriel

    The Messenger by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, watercolor, 20″x28″

    Ancient structure, light, movement, sweetness, peace and love, the Dove, inspiration… Gabriel. This is a beautiful and interesting  feminine depiction of Archangel Gabriel.

    Gabriel translation ‘man of God’; literally ‘Master, or of God’. Gabr is man or masculine, El is a supreme Deity or God.

    Description of Gabriel from various sources:

    Gabriel is the planetary archangel in charge of the moon’s oversoul; a genius of mysteries who has worked psychically through the great masters during their earthly incarnations. Some include: Muhammad, (Jibra’il) dictated the Qur’an; Heron (a Greek scientist) received inspiration to write ‘The Recitation’; and Daniel (Bible) came as the Holy Spirit and gave him wisdom and understanding; Bahá’u’lláh received inspiration for his mystical work Seven Valleys; Joan of Arc was inspired to look to the King of France for help. Gabriel is a messenger of God, the spirit of truth and bringer of prophesy. He is the prince of justice who destroys sin and evil. One of the 2 highest ranking angels. He sits on the left side of God and presides over paradise. Is also said to have had a mortal life as Noah.

    xmasangelGabriel was the angel that came to Mary announcing that Christ would be born through her. And angels appeared to many to announce the birth of Christ. Today angels have an important place during most Holiday celebrations.

    May Angels watch over you always. Happy Holidays!


    Stephanie Pui-Mun Law is a 31 year old artist/programmer. She began painting otherworlds in early childhood.  Graduated from a program of Computer Science in 1998. After working in programming for three years, She left the world logic for the world of fae; painting full time.  You can read news, learn about watercolor painting, browse her galleries and purchase paintings at

    ~Bonnee Klein Gilligan

  • 12/9 Hideaway

    Hideaway by Inga Nielsen. © 2002 - 2008, Inga Nielsen

    Hideaway by Inga Nielsen, digital art

    A spectacular digitally created image of the sunset/moonrise reflected in still waters. Darkness/Light, Sun/Moon Creator’s beautiful dance of dualities. Birth of the waters of night, the stillness, quiet, cool and calm. Beautiful art!

    happy-eidEid ul-Adha

    Eid ul-Adha is a celebration of God’s love for the whole of mankind. It is celebrated around the world by Muslims and Druze. Eid commemorates Ibrahim (Abraham) willingness to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to God. Charity (sacrifice) called Zakat al Fitr is required from everyone. A special offering is given in thanks for one’s own prosperity and dedication to the practices. Eid can be a 1 to 7 day celebration including prayer, offerings, dance, traditional music, gift giving and feasts.

    In Islam… God is the Ultimate Reality. All things in visible creation emanate from Him and are manifestations of His Divine Names or Attributes (Sifat). He created the cosmos, both what is known to man and what is unknown. He is the Sustainer of all things, with everything turning to Him and centered upon Him. This is evident in the structure of atoms .

    Happy Eid! Peace and Blessings of the Season.


    You can learn more about Islam and read the sacred texts at the links. View more of Inga Nielsen’s wonderful images at Gate to Nowhere Gallery.

    ~Bonnee Klein Gilligan

  • 12/8 Buddha Sun

    photo ©Kevin Baird. All rights reserved.

    ‘Buddha Sun’ photograph by Kevin Baird

    Buddha Sun is my name for this spectacular photo which was featured on The sun became Buddha one October evening in Southern California to radiate blessings to the world. A magical sunset photo!

    Kevin says: “At first the cloudless sky suggested a ‘boring’ sunset;. Instead, it was unforgettable.”

    The scientific explanation from Atmospheric Optics: Multiple inversion layers produced the complex mirage. The cold California Ocean Current had cooled the air next to the ocean surface. Above that there were layers of warm dry air driven from inland by high pressure over Utah and Nevada.


    gautama-buddha The day of enlightenment. December 8, 596 BC Buddha attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree. Image shows enlightened Gautama Buddha sitting under the Bodhi tree.

    It is said that on the morning of his enlightenment he looked up and saw the morning star (Venus) and cried in wonder:

    That’s it! That’s it! That’s it. That’s me! That’s me that’s shining so brilliantly! How wondrous, how wondrous! All beings are endowed with this pure nature! What a wondrous, astonishing thing has been realized! All the ten thousand things, all the flowers, all the trees, all the rocks, all things everywhere are shining brilliantly!

    For Buddhists today is a day of remembrance and meditation. It is a reminder that with right effort and understanding anyone can become enlightened. Zen Buddhists begin an intensive sesshin (meditation practice) on December 1 which, lasts until through the 8th. They often stay up all night in meditation to bring in Rohatsu (the morning of Buddha’s realization).  Colored lights symbolizing the many pathways to enlightenment are strung and turned on each evening and candles honoring the path of enlightenment are lit for 30 days. Fiscus trees (ficus religiousa) are decorated with colored lights, stings of beads symbolizing the unity and shiny ornaments representing the Three Jewels (Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha). Children make cookies in the shape of a tree (Bodhi tree) or a heart shaped leaf.

     Happy Bodhi Day! May all sentient beings attain perfect, complete, precious Enlightenment.


    Photograph by Kevin Baird October 13, 2005 near Palomar Airport, San Diego CA.  Kevin is a freelance editor at Green Desert Productions. You can see more of Kevin’s wonderful photography at kbaird on

    ~Bonnee Klein Gilligan

  • 12/7 Carol Of The Bells, Windham Hill

    Carol Of The Bells  performed by Windham Hill Artists

    A lovely, uplifting music video. Makes me smile. Hope you enjoy this instrumental version of Carol of the Bells as much as I do.

    Classic Windham Hill Artists, song: Carol of The Bells, album: A Winter’s Solstice IV, Windham Hill Records (1993), music video directed by: Wayne Miller.

    Carol_of_the_bells_by_blessedchildCarol of the Bells is based on Shchedryk (or bountiful)composed in 1916 by Mykola Dmytrovych Leontovych (1877-1921), a Ukrainian orthodox priest. It is said Shchedryk was  inspired by a magical ancient pagan chant to bring in the new year (in April). Your can read the lyrics to Shchedryk at wikipedia.

    The first lyrics to Carol of the Bells were written in the 1930s by Peter Wilhousky. They were believed to have been influenced by a Slavic legend which says, ‘every bell in the world rang when Jesus was born‘. You can read more about Carol of The Bells at Hymns and Carols of Christmas.

    The magical photo above left called Carol of the Bells is by Julia from Slovakia. You can see more of her photos at blessedchild.

    May you ring in the Holidays with Good Cheer!

    ~Bonnee Klein Gilligan