I wrote this in 1990 as a reminder to myself. I was sitting on the beach in Kauai, Hawaii contemplating my life. Would it apply universally?
Ten Commandments of Life by Bonnee Klein Gilligan
- FIRST – Fully and unconditionally love yourself. Recognize your Divinity. Honor yourself.
- SECOND – Unconditionally love and accept others. Recognize their Divinity and honor them.
- THIRD – Take responsibility for your actions. You always have a choice; how you feel, act or what you say. Act, don’t react.
- FOURTH – Be a Master of Divine expression. Live the Universal Laws of Love, Peace, Truth.
- FIFTH – You create your life (by your choices, feelings and actions). Live in joy.
- SIXTH – Let go and allow (let God). Listen to and follow, unconditionally, your small quiet voice; your spirit (God).
- SEVENTH – Be thankful and humble. Give thanks for what you have and receive. Be grateful.
- EIGHT – Your sustenance comes from inside you (God). Trust. You will always be provided for.
- NINTH – Your body is the temple of your soul. Nurture and care for yourself.
- TENTH – Live in the present moment. Life can only be experienced NOW.