Tag: Holidays

  • 12/14 Orion Moonbow

    Orion Moonbow by Jimmy Westlake. ©2008 Jimmy Westlake. All rights reserved.

    ‘Orion Moonbow’ photograph by Jimmy Westlake

    Was looking at pictures of the full moon at SpaceWeather.com and came across an image of a moon halo taken 12/11/08 by Jimmy Westlake, Stagecoach, Colorado. As I was gazing at it I noticed not only a beautiful rainbow halo and Orion, but also a faint red cross. How cool! Wanted to see what was there so saturated it in Photoshop. The image above is the result. Wow, wow, wow! Thank you beloved Creator for your beauty and magnificence. I am humbly in awe.

    The night this photo was shot was the beginning of the celebration of the Mother, Virgin Guadalupe in Mexico.

    A messageall is perfect, balanced and complete. Divine Union is now… embrace… oneness. A cycle has ended, renewal begun. Goddess and God embrace, merge. Love pours forth with great abundance. Open heart and receive.

    As I write Raven called 3 times 3, flying by the window. Raven is the sacred bringer of magic who ushers in consciousness change. 9 is completion. Has been a day of much communication.

    Jimmy Westlake says about his photo,

    “Wow! This was one of the most vivid lunar halos I’ve ever seen! Seeing Orion with a colorful rainbow arching through him was surreal.”

    Surreal indeed! You can see the original photo and a couple more at SpaceWeather.com.

    The scientific explanation from Curious About Astronomy:

    Halos are caused by the light of the sun or moon passing through a very thin layer of cirruform (ice-crystal) clouds in the upper atmosphere. The ice crystals refract the light of the moon, similar to the way water droplets in the lower atmosphere can refract sunlight to produce a rainbow. Just like a rainbow, strong halos can have bands of color in them, due to slightly different refractive properties of the ice crystals for different colors. Essentially, halos ARE rainbows caused by primary refraction in ice crystals.

    Symbolism contained in the photo – (from An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols by J.C. Cooper):

    • A circle with a dot – in the center depicts a complete cycle and cyclic perfection. The resolution of all possibilities in existence. In Astrology it portrays the sun. In Alchemy it is the sun and gold. It is also a symbol of all sun gods. In Taoism A circle with a point at the center represents the supreme power, the Tao.
    • A circle enclosing a cross – is the Cosmic Solar Wheel ‘the vivifying principle that animates the universe’. The solar wheel is always a symbol of good fortune and of change. Cross in a circle – Solar mobility, the wheel of change. The wheel of fortune.
    • Equal arm cross – a universal symbol, the cosmic symbol par excellence. It is a world center and therefor a point of communication between heaven and earth, a cosmic axis. It is dualism in nature and the union of opposites. It represents Spiritual Union and the integration of man’s soul in all aspects necessary to full life.
    • Color – Symbolizes the differentiated, the manifest. Diversity. The affirmation of Light. Light and dark colors used in contrast symbolize the materialization of light. God, as light, is the source of color. Color Red – The zenith of color. Represents the sun and all war gods. It is the masculine, active principle, fire, the sun, royalty, love, joy festivity, passion, energy, health, strength. Red denotes supernatural powers, sacredness or solar power. Rainbow – Transfiguration. Heavenly glory. Different states of consciousness. The meeting of Heaven and xmaswreathEarth. Paradise. 
    • Moon – Usually represents the feminine power, the Mother Goddess, Queen of Heaven. Symbolic of the rhythm of cyclic time, universal becoming. Full moon is enlightenment. Light in darkness. Inner Knowledge. The moon is the abode of  Archangel Gabriel.

    Hope your day is amazing and awe filled. Happy Holidays!


    jimmy_westlake Jimmy Westlake, M.S. Astronomy, Louisiana State University; B.S., Astronomy and Physics, Valdosta State University; BS, Psychology, University of Alaska Anchorage; 15 years instructor and director of Rollins Planetarium at Young Harris College; award winning astro-photographer.You can see more of J.R. Westlake’s Astrophotos at jrwestlake.com.

    ~Bonnee Klein Gilligan

  • 12/13 White Christmas, Crosby and Reynolds

    ‘White Christmas’ Bing Crosby and Marjorie Reynolds

    Lovely, sweet and beautiful song. A walk down memory lane, when winter included horse-drawn sleigh rides and Christmas Holidays were filled with singing carols by the fire.

    Artists: Bing Crosby and Marjorie Reynolds, song:’ White Christmas’, movie: Holiday Inn (1942) Paramount Pictures, Songwriter: Irving Berlin.

    Domenico Veneziano. The Martyrdom of St. LucySaint Lucia or Saint Lucy of Syracuse, (Spanish: Santa Lucia) was a young Roman Christian woman who refused to marry because she wanted to dedicate her life to God. Her rejected bridegroom betrayed her and she was put to death by the Roman Emperor, Diocletian.  She is the patron saint of the blind. The root of Lucia is luc or lux, Latin for light. You can find out more about Saint Lucy at Saints & Angels.

    Christian Missionaries traveled to Scandinavia telling stories of Saint Lucy’s courage; she became known as Lucia Bride. The elders often tell stories of how Lucia Bride, dressed in white with a crown of ‘light’ ,would bring food and drink to the poor. She is seen as the ‘Light bearer’ in times of darkness.



    Santa Lucia Day or Luciadagen is celebrated December 13 in Scandinavia. The story of Saint Lucia is reenacted in many Swedish homes with the eldest daughter becoming Lucia Bride dressing in white with a crown of candles. Early in the morning she will bring her parents sweet saffron buns and coffee. Lucia celebrations are often held at the workplace and school. They have a procession with a Lucia, attendants, and starmen with pointed hats, caroling and sharing of saffron cake, ginger biscuits and drinks. One of the popular carols sung is ‘White Christmas’.

    Saint Lucia is also honored in Italy where many Christians celebrate with bonfires and torchlight parades.

    Happy Santa Lucia Day! Have a wonderful day filled with Light.


    The lovely painting above left is called The Martyrdom of St. Lucy by Domenico Veneziano (circa 1445-48). It is one of the predelas (side panels) of Santa Lucia del Magnoli Altarpiece in Berlin, Germany that was split into separate panels. Domenico, de Bartolomeo di Venezia (c. 1405/10 – 1461) born in Venice, lived most of his life in Florence, Italy. An early Renaissance painter who studied with Gentile da Fabriano in 1422-23. He was one of the founders of the 15th-century Florentine school of painting.

    The photo above right ‘a young girl dressed as Saint Lucia’ is from the short film ‘Santa Lucia’ by Elsa Entertainment. You can see more at elsaentertainment.com.

    ~Bonnee Klein Gilligan

  • 12/12 Ave Maria païen, Notre Dame de Paris

    Ave Maria païen, Notre Dame de Paris

    What a moving song! I feel her plea, her heart and her Soul reaching out to Mother Mary and Spirit moves. Wow! Brought tears and chills. Incredibly touching… Ave Maria indeed.

    The musical Notre Dame de Paris debuted September 1998 in Paris. Song: Ave Maria païen (the 21st song). Musical: based on Notre Dame de Paris by Victor Hugo. Music: Riccardo Cocciante, Lyrics: Luc Plamondon. Has played worldwide, been translated to many languages and had the most successful first year of any musical. As of 2007 the score has been recorded 7 times .

    It’s Full Moon today (Snow Moon 11:37am EST, 4:37pm GMT) and a Grand Mutable Cross is in the heavens ushering in a time of choices and changes. There are many new possibilities, forks in the road with lots of potential for positive change. We are being guided to strive for our highest ideals, spiritual Truths and wisdom. To find out more about the Grand Mutable Cross see The Aquarius Papers.


    La Virgen de Guadalupe by Salvador Dali (1959).

    It’s also Guadalupe Day Mexico’s most important religious holiday. Today people from all over Mexico travel to the chapel on Tepayac Hill in Mexico City to worship and celebrate. In 1531 at the the former shrine of the Aztec Mother Goddess Coatlicue on Tepayac Hill, the Virgin Guadalupe (mother of Jesus) appeared to Juan Diego. She asked him to build a chapel on this sacred ground.

    Large fiestas are held in Mexico and Central America honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe. All day people visit the church and pray. As an offering of thanks, some people pin small objects shaped like hearts, arms, or legs  (milagros) on or near the statue of the Virgin of Guadalupe.

    May your holidays be blessed and safe. Happy Guadalupe Day!


    daliandwife The incredible painting above left is called La Virgen de Guadalupe by Salvador Dali (1959). Dali’s full name is Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí i Domènech 1st Marquis of Púbol (May 11, 1904 – January 23, 1989), born in Figueres, Catalonia, Spain was a surrealist painter. He attended drawing school in 1916 and 3 years later had his first exhibition. His extensive artistic endeavors include painting, film, sculpture, and photography. You can find out more and see many of Dali’s wonderful works at virtualdali.com.

    ~Bonnee Klein Gilligan

  • 12/11 O Little Town Of Bethlehem, McLachlan

    ‘O Little Town Of Bethlehem’ sung by Sarah McLachlan

    A truly beautiful rendition of the song. Sweet, soft and loving. I could feel Spirit moving through Sarah as she sang. Ahhh, nice!

    Artist: Sarah McLachlan, Song: O Little Town of Bethlehem, Album: Wintersong (2006), Arista Records, LLC, a unit of Sony BMG Music Entertainment, Words: Bishop Phillips Brooks, Music: Lewis Henry Redner.

    The-Christmas-Star, YarraAfter a pilgrimage to Bethlehem in 1868 Bishop Phillips Brooks (1835-1893) wrote O Little Town of Bethlehem. The beautiful evening view of the Holy city from the hills of Palestine inspired him. Lewis Redner (1831-1908) Brooks’ church organist set the words to music for the children’s choir. You can find out more about this Christmas classic at: hymnsandcarolsofchristmas.com.

    The photograph right called ‘The Christmas Star’ by Debbie Yarra is a wonderful compliment to the song. It was taken 3 days before Christmas 1999 in The Garden of the Gods, Colorado. Spectacular!

    May your Holidays be filled with inspiration and love.


    SarahMcLachlan Sarah McLachlan singer/songwriter was born January 28, 1968 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Growing up she took voice lessons, and studied classical piano and guitar. At 17 she fronted for the band The October Game, following their first concert she was offered a recording contract by Nettwerk. She is a 3-time Grammy and 8-time Juno Award-winning multi-platinum recording artist. Listen to her amazing music, read news, buy CDs and learn more at www.sarahmclachlan.com.

    Debbie Yarra Debbie Yarra is a self-taught photographer who took her first photograph in 1980. She lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Debbie says, “I want to capture the beauty and emotion of light, for that is the essence of God.”You can see more of Debbie’s beautiful images at www.yarraimages.com.

    ~Bonnee Klein Gilligan

  • 12/10 The Messenger

    Stephanie Pui-Mun Law-gabriel

    The Messenger by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, watercolor, 20″x28″

    Ancient structure, light, movement, sweetness, peace and love, the Dove, inspiration… Gabriel. This is a beautiful and interesting  feminine depiction of Archangel Gabriel.

    Gabriel translation ‘man of God’; literally ‘Master, or of God’. Gabr is man or masculine, El is a supreme Deity or God.

    Description of Gabriel from various sources:

    Gabriel is the planetary archangel in charge of the moon’s oversoul; a genius of mysteries who has worked psychically through the great masters during their earthly incarnations. Some include: Muhammad, (Jibra’il) dictated the Qur’an; Heron (a Greek scientist) received inspiration to write ‘The Recitation’; and Daniel (Bible) came as the Holy Spirit and gave him wisdom and understanding; Bahá’u’lláh received inspiration for his mystical work Seven Valleys; Joan of Arc was inspired to look to the King of France for help. Gabriel is a messenger of God, the spirit of truth and bringer of prophesy. He is the prince of justice who destroys sin and evil. One of the 2 highest ranking angels. He sits on the left side of God and presides over paradise. Is also said to have had a mortal life as Noah.

    xmasangelGabriel was the angel that came to Mary announcing that Christ would be born through her. And angels appeared to many to announce the birth of Christ. Today angels have an important place during most Holiday celebrations.

    May Angels watch over you always. Happy Holidays!


    Stephanie Pui-Mun Law is a 31 year old artist/programmer. She began painting otherworlds in early childhood.  Graduated from a program of Computer Science in 1998. After working in programming for three years, She left the world logic for the world of fae; painting full time.  You can read news, learn about watercolor painting, browse her galleries and purchase paintings at www.shadowscapes.com.

    ~Bonnee Klein Gilligan