Tag: god

  • What's in a Word?

    The famous Greek word logos — “word, speech, a...
    Image via Wikipedia

    This is an excerpt of one my my articles (click on this phrase to read the whole text) from my Helium account, which I think is relevant to the world not only relating the “Arab Spring” or the “Occupy” movements, but to the way the society is built as a whole. 


    Strong words relating to a vague, ethereal group that represents an unseen but really dangerous enemy – or so we are let to believe! – can identify a rhetoric or another for the connoisseur, but they are as liable to become a cigarette thrown into a tank at the gas station. Such words as “terrorists”, “nazis”, “activists”, “environmentalists”, nowadays “occupiers” (or as I keep hearing in a so-called democratic Romania words like “golani” – punks, “tineri” – youth or “studenti” – students used pejoratively as the ones who don’t work and are like leaches on the respectable workers and peasants who keep the country going, and so on). Using these words it’s quite easy to fall into the trap of generalized non-action and perhaps even opposition to change, unless change is imposed by the Man. Even terms of endearment can be dangerous when used in a work environment, for example in a place where all participants should be equal, but the majority is male and the women are addressed as “dear” or “darling”, or with terms otherwise reserved to the bedroom. Therefore, words are both positive and negative. They are positive if we know how to defend ourselves against them (even insults can be kept away with a shield!) and understand that a word can have countless meanings and we should use and interpret it according to a definite context and combination. They are negative if we don’t acknowledge these facts and only take words out of contexts and for what we think they mean. In any case… Is there a reason for why “word” and “world” are such close brothers (sisters, or siblings if we are to include all readers in the equation)?

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  • Oneness and the Heart of the World

    Father Thomas Keating talks about God’s dynamic nature and the Divine Oneness of ‘All That Is’ in this wonderful inspirational video. He is wise, speaks from the heart and is sure to bring a smile. He says this about Oneness…

    “We’re (human beings) moving into Oneness. In other words a Oneness that we already have but at various levels of our being; and hence we’re aware of the Oneness in different ways, and in different intensities, and in different levels and able to respond as our awareness of this presence keeps evolving. The presence keeps expanding and becoming more penetrating, more enveloping, more involved with each of our bodily, mental, physical and spiritual activities or capacities. So we’re always experiencing this Oneness, but when does it become that, which is described as there being ‘No other’? This is something that maybe we could talk about tomorrow after a good nights sleep.

    That’s really very advanced and has few (as far as we know about it from reports) people who actually experience it as a permanent state of awareness or consciousness. Who have become not only ‘the Other’, but are ‘the Other’ in a way. Now this doesn’t in anyway deny the distinction between God and us which is infinite. It does deny the separation…”

    Hope you enjoy watching the video and listening to his wisdom as much as I did. It wouldn’t embed so follow the link to watch the video if you like. Enjoy!

    ~Bonnee Klein Gilligan

    Oneness and the Heart of the World from Global Oneness Project.

    The Global Oneness Project: http://globalonenessproject.org/              Father Keating’s works: http://www.snowmass.org/keating.htm

  • Ten Commandments of Life

    I wrote this in 1990 as a reminder to myself. I was sitting on the beach in Kauai, Hawaii contemplating my life. Would it apply universally?

    Ten Commandments of Life by Bonnee Klein Gilligan

    • FIRST – Fully and unconditionally love yourself. Recognize your Divinity. Honor yourself.
    • SECOND – Unconditionally love and accept others. Recognize their Divinity and honor them.
    • THIRD – Take responsibility for your actions. You always have a choice; how you feel, act or what you say. Act, don’t react.
    • FOURTH – Be a Master of Divine expression. Live the Universal Laws of Love, Peace, Truth.
    • FIFTH – You create your life (by your choices, feelings and actions). Live in joy.
    • SIXTH – Let go and allow (let God). Listen to and follow, unconditionally, your small quiet voice; your spirit (God).
    • SEVENTH – Be thankful and humble. Give thanks for what you have and receive. Be grateful.
    • EIGHT – Your sustenance comes from inside you (God). Trust. You will always be provided for.
    • NINTH – Your body is the temple of your soul. Nurture and care for yourself.
    • TENTH – Live in the present moment. Life can only be experienced NOW.