~a poem by Bonnee Klein Gilligan
Yes dear friend we all get hurt
and others they can stir up dirt.
In love or out it matters not
for human love is not what’s sot.
We look here and we look there
and try to find love everywhere.
But what we find is half at best
and breaks our hearts, perhaps the rest.
It’s not the love we’re seeking friend
it’s half at best and in the end
We remember what we’ve lost
at such a great emotional cost.
It’s God’s love, not the human kind
that fills us with a gift Divine.
And when two in this space of love
find each other, they find the Dove
This is the gift, these are the plans
this is what our God demands.
To love like God, with heart and Soul
and open up… let go control.
Connect with body, soul and mind
into a place of Love not blind.
but wholly seeing, holy knowing
this is the seed that God is sowing.
To love each other like God loves us
and this my friend takes perfect Trust.
It takes letting go ways of thinking
that hem us in and keep us sinking.
And letting go of future and past
for these are false and do not last.
Now is all we have to love in
so open gentle heart… begin.
Love opens us to possibilities
and tears down all of our hostilities.
It heals all wounds, and mends all harm
so let go the past, let go alarm.
Open up to life and love
and live again, fly like the dove.
Open to God’s Divine Plan
live in Love and hand in hand
Heart to heart and soul to soul
watch the Divine gifts unfold.
Beautiful is life with of love
it is the magic of the Dove.