Tag: Conscious Living

  • New Soul – Yael Naim

    "New Soul’ performed by Yael Naim and David Donatien

    A fun song about a new soul learning how to live  in this strange world. I always sing along. The video is so creative, it seems like it’s about recreating our world… from a new and different perspective. Very cool. I love them both! Yael & David won the Album of the Year Award in “World Music” at the 2008 Victoires de la Musique annual French award ceremony.  Song: New Soul, album: Eponymous 

    Yael Naim Yael Naim, singer/sonwriter was born in 1978 in Paris. She spent a large part of her childhood in Ramat Hacharon, a small town not far from Tel Aviv. David Donatien, percussionist/producer was born in France. You can watch more videos of Yael and David at their website and listen to more music at their myspace page. Enjoy!

    ~Bonnee Klein Gilligan

  • JeShUa…ThE… mIsSiNg…YeArS…

    Jeshua the missing Years - painting by Akiane  Kramarik. © Copyright 2000-2008 Akiane Kramarik

    ‘Jeshua the missing years’  by Akiane Kramarik – Acrylic on canvas 48" x 60"

    akaine_love This spectacular, inspired and powerful painting of Jesus was done in 2004 by Akiane when she was 10 years old. She is an amazing artist and poet; a messenger who paints and writes for God. Spirit moves through her, I get chills when I hear her talk.  I first saw Akiane and her works in the documentary, ‘The Indigo Revolution’ by Emissary Productions.

    Akiane has been selected as 1 of 20 most accomplished visual artists in the world by Tribute Entertainment (London) and ABI (United States).

    Akiane says about ‘Jeshua the missing years’…

    At 14, during one of his meditations, Jesus is talking with his father in heaven about the new earth, where only joy and peace would reign. In the background the galactic hand is reaching out for love and truth…

    You can see more of Akiane’s amazing works of art and poetry at: www.artakiane.com.

    ~Bonnee Klein Gilligan

  • Brahma Nandam – Deva Premal live

    Brahma Nandam preformed by Deva Premal and Miten

    Deva Premal has one of the most beautiful voices I’ve ever heard. Clear and perfect, like and angel. You can feel Spirit moving through her as she sings. I got chills as I was listening, as I often do when she sings. Song – Brahma Nandam, album – Dakshina (2005).

    Translation of the Lyrics…

    Salutations to the inner guru, the inner guiding light.
    Who is the embodiment of pure delight,
    Who is the giver of supreme happiness.
    Who is beyond the dualities of this material world;
    Who is as infinite as the sky. 
    Who is the sole aspiration and goal of life;
    Who is unique, eternal, pure, unwavering.
    Who sees with the eyes of wisdom;
    Who is beyond emotions and beyond the three gunas (binding aspects of our nature) – Sattva (bliss), Rajas (animal instinct) and Tamas (lethargy).

    Lord BrahmaBrahma is defined as the ‘one self-existent Spirit , the Absolute’.

    Lord Brahma is the Creator of the Universe whose essence makes up the cosmos. The supreme eternal deity. He was born within the void before creation.  The cosmic subtle body is believed to be the creator of the entire universe… this is Brahma, the Creator. Brahma’s consort is Saraswati, the Goddess of knowledge. Creation cannot be accomplished without Knowledge/Wisdom. Because we are form, or in creation, Brahma is not often worshiped. The exceptions, if one wishes to understand an aspect of Creation or to be inspired with creative ideas which serve all.

    The triad of Brahma (creation), Vishnu (maintenance) and Shiva (destruction) represent different aspects of God. Life is a manifestation of those principles (creation, sustenance and destruction) such as  birth, life and death.  Or sunrise, day, sunset; as well sunset, night, sunrise and so forth. Brahma is the essence of Soul or Inner Guiding Light.


    DevaPramal-Mitten Deva Premal was born in Germany in 1970 and brought up in an atmosphere of mantra and spiritual discipline. Miten born in London, was a rock and roll singer/songwriter in the 70s and 80s.

    Deva Premal and Miten’s website has a collection of songs you can listen to with a Flash player.

    ~Bonnee Klein Gilligan

  • Mohammed the Prophet

    Mohammed the Prophet (1932) by Nicholas Roerich.

    Mohammed the Prophet (1929) by Nicholas Roerich – Tempera on canvas 74.2cm x 117.3cm

    Beautiful, intense and filled with awe, this painting captures the essence of spiritual inspiration. Magnificent!

    Mohammed and Gabriel - Miniature illustration on vellum from the book Jami' al-Tawarikh Mohammed was  born in 570 CE in Mecca. Orphaned at a young age, he was brought up by his uncle. He married at age 25 and worked as a merchant. He was discontented with his life so went into the mountains to meditate and reflect. At age 40, in the month of Ramadan, Mohammed received a revelation from God. The illustration right shows Angel Gabriel giving Mohammed his first revelation. Three years later he began speaking about his revelations. The Noble Qur’an is a collection of God’s teachings through Mohammad. It says…

    59:24. He is the One GOD; the Creator, the Initiator, the Designer. To Him belong the most beautiful names. Glorifying Him is everything in the heavens and the earth. He is the Almighty, Most Wise.

    5:16. GOD guides those who seek His approval. He guides them to the paths of peace, leads them out of darkness into the light by His leave, and guides them in a straight path.

    Nicholas Roerich (Himalayas, 1929) says …

    "Highly interesting are the words of At-Tabari about the prophetic mission of Mohammed (“History of Prophets and Kings”): “The revelation of the divine messenger began with impartations of truth, which came to him as the morning glow. Then he was filled with the desire for solitude and remained in the cave on Mount Hira. And so to him came the eternal True One and said, ‘Mohammed, thou art God’s messenger. I knelt,’ God’s messenger says, ‘and I waited. Then I slowly left. My heart was trembling. I came to Hadija and said to enwrap me, enwrap me, and my fear left. And He came again and said to me. ‘Mohammed, I am Gabriel, and thou art the Messenger of God…’ ‘” The exclamation ‘Enwrap me’ gives authentic occult character to the narrative." 

    Roerich Nicholas Roerich (1874–1947) — ). Russian scholar, mystic, painter, and designer. He cofounded the Agni Yoga Society with his wife Helena, a channel of El Morya. Master Morya’s heartfelt messages became the foundation of Agni Yoga. The messages from El Morya are available at agniyoga.org. Nicholas Roerich Museum contains a collection of his paintings. Prints of Roerich’s paintings are available at agniart.ru.

    ~Bonnee Klein Gilligan

  • All Bound UP…. no more!

    This week I wanted to share with you my journey through some natural remedies, what worked and why I began searching for something in the first place. On with my story…

    Ever since I was born it seems I’ve been constipated. Whoops can I blog about this??? Anyway, I used to use all the common and OTC remedies like laxatives, psyllium husks, fiber, prunes, citrate of magnesia, etc. Think I tried them all. Fiber bound me up even more, most laxatives were way to harsh and I never understood the fascination with prunes. Didn’t work at all. So I’d go once a week, if lucky, and usually felt miserable. The picture is the little wee me at 3. Awe! Was I ever that young?

    In 1986 went to the doctor, he poked and prodded around my abdomen. Couldn’t find anything. Suggested some tests. Through ultrasound they found I had gall stones. I was completely asymptomatic but they wanted to take out my gall bladder. Was told that ‘I was a ticking time bomb and if I didn’t have surgery one day I’d have an attack and may die as a result’. Oh my GAWD!I asked my doctor if there was an alternative to surgery. He said not that he knew of and if I found one he wanted to know. I began searching and found a natural gall stone flush which I did several times. Saw the little green stones in my stool… it worked!Told my doctor about it. He was amazed and said, ” I still think you need surgery.” Hummm. My conclusion… he was fixated on surgery, rather then the cause of my constipation. Seemed there was nothing else he could offer. So I opted to keep my gall bladder and went on my own personal search to end my constipation. Looked to natural remedies, various colon cleansers and herbal laxatives like Cascara Sagrada. They worked about as well as the OTC I tried, but didn’t fix the cause. healingcenterAZ

    In May 1989 I traveled to Sedona, AZ for a week long healing retreat at the Healing Center of Arizona. I wanted clarification that a decision I made was on target. I wasn’t really looking to be healed, rather wanted to experience everything I could. The week was filled with all sorts of treatments, crystal healing, ‘Life Healing’, massage, veggie diet, acupressure, past life regression, daily walks on the land and nightly dancing. It was a veritable feast of alternative treatments, joy and fun. I met lots of folks who felt like family and felt truly at home. It became clear that my decision was on target. I felt full of energy and purpose. cassia-angustifolia

    Fast forward… January 1992 started a 3 year spiritual journey  traveling and camping all over the country without a stationary home. Well you can imagine the effect traveling and camping in the backwoods had… hummm, no private bathroom to sit and cogitate. In early 1993 made a brief stop in Sedona where I met a chiropractor. Told him about my constipation and he suggested a product he sold called ChiroCleanse. I bought a box and tried it… was a miracle! It moisturized the stool, was gentle and effective. The main ingredient was Cassia Angustifolia. But I couldn’t find it anywhere else so was still in a bind… so to speak. Blush, ahem.

    LaciLaBeau On another trip (1994) through Sedona I met a man who had the same difficulty. He used Laci Le Beau Super Dieter’s Tea and enemas. I opted for the tea, thank you. It was widely available at health food stores and contained Cassia Angustifolia which I already knew worked for me. Everything was good in my life. I drank a cup of poop tea, as I affectionately began calling it, every night before bed.

    Back in Sedona again (early 1995) rented a room for a couple of months from a woman who talked about the value of coffee enemas and green juice fasting. You guessed it! I did a week long fast with daily coffee enemas and poop tea too. Even opted to do another gall stone flush in the process. I felt squeaky clean as a result… but, afterward was still bound up. The only thing I didn’t try during all of this was a colonic. oatmeal

    Fast forward again… in 2004 a friend suggested I read Outlander  by Diana Gabaldon. Are you thinking, “What that heck does Outlander have to do with any of this?” Well it was one of the steps that lead me to a solution. In the ‘Outlander series’, Jamie and his Scottish comrades protest the lack of oatmeal in their diets because they swore it kept flaxseed them regular. When I read this a bell went off. I added oatmeal a couple of times a week which made a difference. Then another friend suggested I add ground flaxseed too and sent me some to try. It also made a visible difference.

    In 2006 still doing nightly poop tea and oatmeal with ground flax… I began wondering about long term deleterious effects of the tea on my body. I didn’t notice any, but hey 13 years of doing any herb nightly seemed excessive to me. Enter my x-husband, his fiancee, son and great aunt. While they were concentraceminerals staying with me for a couple of days he let me try some ionic minerals which he took daily and swore by. He mentioned that too much gives one loose stool, so gave me a smaller dose. Wow such an effect. I stopped drinking nightly poop tea. I bought some of the same product he suggested online, used it up and started looking for a local source. Ended up buying ConcenTrace Trace Mineral Drops and taking 1/2 teaspoon in orange juice daily. I thought the minerals would be a replacement for the nightly tea and most likely I’d be taking them for the rest of my life. Wrong! After 8 months of taking a daily dose, my body started having reactions after I took it. This was an indication the body had enough so I stopped altogether. I thought I’d have to go back to poop tea again. Joyous surprise… I haven’t taken any more tea since.

    I continue to eat a bowl of oatmeal with ground flax regularly. I haven’t been constipated at all. Thank God for small miracles!

    Here’s a couple of oatmeal/flaxseed recipes I created:

    Bonnee’s Yummy Breakfast Oats (microwave or stovetop) for 1 serving

    1/2 cup regular organic oatmeal, 1 cup filtered water, pinch of sea salt, handful nuts (almonds, pecans, walnuts, etc.), handful pumpkin seed (shelled), handful sunflower seeds (shelled), handful chopped or whole dried fruit (cranberries, raisins, apricots, dates, etc.), 1/4 to 1/3 cup ground flax seeds.

    Microwave: Put all ingredients except flax into large microwave safe bowl. Cook 3 to 4 minutes. Add flax, stir and serve with real maple syrup or vanilla almond milk.

    Stovetop: In a small stainless steel pot bring water and salt to a boil. Stir in oats cook till soft about 3 minutes. Transfer to serving bowl stir in flax meal, seeds, nuts and dried fruit. Serve with real maple syrup, vanilla almond milk or whatever you like.

    Bonnee’s WoW Soft Oatmeal Cookies

    Bake 350° 11 minutes. Makes about 2 dozen 2″ cookies.

    1 cup organic whole wheat flour, 1/2 cup ground flax, 1/2 tsp baking soda, 1/2 tsp baking powder, 1/4 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp cinnamon, 1/4 tsp nutmeg, 1/4 lb. (1 stick) organic sweet butter, softened, 3/4 cup packed brown cane sugar, 1 large organic egg, 1/8 cup organic unbleached sugar, 3/4 tsp real vanilla extract,   1-3/4 cup organic oatmeal, 1/2 cup mixed raisins, gogi berries and dried cranberries (softened in hot water and drained) and a handful of each pumpkin seed (shelled), sunflower seed (shelled) and chopped walnuts.

    Sift together flour, salt, spices, baking powder and soda. Stir in ground flax seed, set aside. In another bowl cream butter, add sugars and beat until smooth and creamy. Add egg and vanilla, beat until well incorporated. Slowly add sifted flour. Dump in oatmeal, nuts, raisins, and seeds mix to incorporate well. Drop by tablespoon onto Silpat, parchment or greased cookie sheets. Bake 10 to 12 minutes or until lightly brown. Cool 2 minutes on sheet and transfer to cooling rack. Enjoy!

    Conclusion: My chronic constipation seemed at least in part to be the result of a mineral deficiency. When the minerals were balanced my chronic constipation was gone. Hope my discoveries and journey were interesting and helpful.

    Caveat: Always use discernment with everything in life. Never ingest something to which you are allergic and ask your doctor’s advice before trying something new

    ~Bonnee Klein Gilligan