Tag: Conscious Living

  • Celestial Apparition

    Celestial Apparition byJEBowser

    Celestial Apparition by Jonathon Earl Bowser
    Oil on Canvas – 35″ x 24″ (1998)

    Soft, touching an angel of the Dove. The Dove represents life spirit; the soul; the passing from one state or world to another; the spirit of light; gentleness and peace. They are sacred to all Great Mothers and Queens of Heaven. Three represents forward movement overcoming duality; expression; synthesis. Also ‘all’ or ‘All That is”. Celestial Apparition is a lovely work which captures the beauty and love of Divine Spirit. Prints are available.

    johathon-pix Jonathon Earl Bowser was born in Canada in 1962. He began drawing at age 8, painting at age 18, and graduated from the Alberta College of Art in 1984. You can see more of his wonderful Goddess art at:  jonathonart.com.

    ~Bonnee Klein Gilligan

  • Through the Eyes of an Angel – music video

    Through the Eyes of an Angel performed by Miten

    Beautiful song filled with love and appreciation. Listening to this lovely song I feel the love emanating, swirling around me and filling every ounce of my being. Ummm, nice! The video with Miten, Deva Premal and Manose reflects the song’s essence… softness, peace and the power of the ocean waves. Wonder full.

    Music video by Manose shot during Deva & Miten’s holiday in Malibu, California. Album: Soul in Wonder (2007), Song: Through the Eyes of an Angel.  

    DevaPremalMitenManose Miten born in London, was a rock and roll singer/songwriter in the 70s and 80s. Deva Premal singer, instrumentalist born 1970 in Germany was brought up in an atmosphere of mantra and spiritual discipline.  Manose Singh, born 1979 in Boudha, Nepal is a Bansuri flautist and composer. Photo is Miten, Manose and Deva in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil November 2008.

    Deva Premal and Miten’s website has a collection of songs you can listen to with a Flash player, read news and articles, see photos and purchase CDs. Enjoy!

    ~Bonnee Klein Gilligan

  • Ignite Thy Passion

    ignite thy passion-greg spalenka

    Ignite thy Passion by Greg Spalenka, computer enhanced mixed media.

    Wow! This image describes so well the feeling one gets when touched by Spirit. A quiet explosion of bliss, passion and love… heart opening and expanding. A gentle whisper and caress. Just purchased his 2009 calendar called ‘Divine Nature’ it’s filled with spectacular images. Beautiful work!

    Greg says, “I found through serious meditation that there was a space within a space of hallowed peace, filled with love and wisdom. Inside this sacred place reality took on a new form. Ideas flowed like water. Problems met solutions. Worlds passed before my mind’s eye filled with saints, kindred spirits, and multi colored beings.”

    gregspalenka Greg Spalenka, born March 13, 1958  Arcadia, California. He is a graduate of the Art Center College of Design, Pasadena CA.  You can see more of Greg’s wonderful images on his website at: www.spalenka.com. Enjoy!

    ~Bonnee Klein Gilligan

  • The Way 气韵生动

    ‘The Way’ CG animated ink drawing by Ching Huang

    A beautifully created Taoist style 3D animated drawing.  Takes you from void  through creation examining the changing nature of all that is. Wonderful!

    3D animation by Ching Huang, music by: LIU Xing

    Ching Huang says, “The animation reflects an ancient Taoist view of the world as a constant changing process or metamorphosis of forms rather than seemingly isolate entities. And the law of changing is rather seemingly chaotic and spontaneous and yet under an elusive deterministic order which somewhat matches the notion of fractal in Chaos theory.”

    Tao symbol Tao (道, Pinyin Dào ) literally translated ‘Way’ is a metaphysical concept which describes the fundamental or true nature of the universe, world and all manifest reality. The Tao both precedes and encompasses the universe, it is holistic, active and ever changing. Tao is perfectly still and continuously moving. It cannot be described because there are no adequate words. Tao is perfect Unity. Although the Tao cannot be expressed nor controlled, it can be known and embraced. For further reading see Tao at wikipedia, Great Tao Foundation or for actual books see Sacred Texts – Taoist.

    ~Bonnee Klein Gilligan

  • Mermaid Song by Manose

    Mermaid Song music video by Manose

    Mermaid Song is an original composition performed on solo bamboo flute. Filmed on California’s Sonoma Coast.

    Manose touches me to the core of my being. Makes me sway, wakes me up and calms me all at the same time. I love to watch and listen to him play. He is masterful.  I’ve seen him live with Deva Premal and Miten twice. Wow!

    manose Manose Singh, born 1979 in Boudha, Nepal is a Bansuri flautist. He has released 5 albums to date, is the founder of the classical raga group Sukarma as well as a founding member of the Nepalese rock band 1979 AD. You can read more about him at Wikipedia or watch videos and read news on his website manosemusic.com.
