Tag: Blame

  • Things We Never Like To Admit

    Avoidance of naming taboo: Example of omitting...
    Image via Wikipedia

    Humans have this innate tendency to think, create and… shift the blame.  In other words, since we got created – or evolved -, we have perfected this incredibly cynical skill to make “I didn’t do this” sound almost plausible.
    We have also created the legal system to supposedly make our lives less unfair. But this system, like anything human-made, is anything but unbreakable … or unsinkable for that matter (pun intended). That is, the courts resemble more a Samson or an Achilles than an almighty God.
    Like in a recent case everybody can be undoubtedly convinced of somebody’s guilt, but unless a jury sees that too, without getting tangled in legal details that may or may not support the truth, the accused walks free.
    On the other hand, like l for one believe happened in another recent case, the system can very well be used for political purposes. Here the truth doesn’t matter much. Power, on the other hand, does.
    This word – power – is a very sensitive notion. I can be powerful with money, relations or I can simply be backed by a strong, numerous or influential group.
    In another, more recent and tragical case, power was exercited under the umbrela of the extreme right movement(s) which appeared as a surprise, it seems. The terrorist was shockingly arian, not at all middle-eastern as first thought. This is even scarier for the average Western European and not only, as one is confronted with the fact that evil is not something unnamed from far-far away, but it lurks within its very core. This attack was an anti-victory: it did not slay the multicultural dragon, it actually gave it more power.
    But will this solve our cultural an racial issues? Most probably not, we just have the bugbear a new name and exiled it from our world. In other words, nothing really changed. The blame was shifted to another ethereal, collective entity of which we know almost nothing – nor do we want to… right?

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