Category: Poetry

  • Dreamers

    Back and forth, left to right,

    like a moth around a candle,

    like a bat in flight.

    Hand and eye mesmerized,

    watching the slash of blazing

    colors criss-cross, collide,

    slowly erasing and trace of

    the screaming face that stares

    at me starkly from each blank

    canvas, like a maniac unleashed;

    until it is magically replaced

    by occult incantations and

    voodoo rites which people

    take for art – line, form, hues,

    shapes, all rainbows in a

    mindscape of amazing grace.

    It is cold in the studio, dead

    of winter in the windows, sky

    a shroud, yet fever bright from

    incandescent light.  I shiver and

    inhale another coffin nail.  On

    the canvas, faceless strangers

    come and go, as shadows

    sweep across a land where

    mists envelope each pale

    ghost lost in a nimbus about

    to disappear like smoke, until

    finally there is nothing, no

    beginning and no ending. nor

    anything in between, except

    life’s dream.


  • Call 911

    CALL 911

     The country is upside down.

    The three stooges, somehow,

    got control of the buttons:

    Mickey Mouse is in charge

    of the House, Goofy the Senate,

    Snidely Whiplash Wall Street,

    and Timothy Leary the electorate.

    Cartoon characters acid trip across

    my cable news like narco-induced

    comic strip looney tunes. The

    Pentagon is under the joint control

    of Daffy Duck and Attila the Hun.

    Soupy Sales clones are in charge of

    the cities, while the Nutty Professor

    oversees the universities and the

    Keystone Cops patrol the crumbling

    neighborhoods. Call the cavalry!

    Call the infantry!  Call Mighty Mouse!

    Dick Tracey!  The lame, sick, halt,

    blind, yearning to be free of misery

    are about to be thrown out into the

    streets when they lose their Medicare

    and Social Security!  Call Batman!

    Superman!  The Green Lantern!

    Spiderman!  There must be a better

    way to handle this situation, before

    we all succumb to the disintegration

    of life as we’ve known it and know

    it should be! Where are all our

    superheroes anyway?



    Like a death rattle of wind chimes

    playing the desperate cry’s of hard

    times, through dark, despairing notes

    across the shivering rhythms of their

    hearts and souls, the lost generation

    wanders the recession, searching for

    salvation from life’s regression, hoping

    too little, too late won’t come from

    whatever can change their fate.

    It’s the music sensation that’s sweeping

    the nation – the beat of a dream’s retreat.

    You can hear it in Chicago, in the Motor

    City, in Philadelphia, PA, Kansas City,

    down in New Orleans, all across the




    The streets, here, remember nothing

    that matters.  Night and day, the

    pounding of machinery from the

    smoke-stacked factories, punctuated

    by the rumble of freight trains, is the

    dream-stream that babbles through

    your brain from waking to sleeping,

    and in a muffled way, dreaming to

    waking.  Funerals, weddings, the

    patriotic holiday festivities, vary them,

    now and then, with small gatherings

    of working class men, women and their

    children.  But they quickly return to their

    ghost-walked dead ends, amidst clouds

    of smoke and bunkered down residents.

    These are mean streets, at best, lost in an

    existential forgetfulness, much diminished

    from the times that created them, when

    hard labor brought enough pay to enrich

    them – days when the incessant pounding

    didn’t take its toll on your soul because at

    the end of each your life had something to

    show.  These are streets which no longer

    care to remember, but occasionally

    reminisce about the good old days and

    tales of lost bliss.  Memories, here, are

    like pennies now, all from heaven, of

    course, because life is precious, yet at

    the same time worthless.  One each day,

    perhaps for your thoughts, which you

    lose as you collect them to the wishing

    wells of Time’s misfortune, dreaming of

    other streets you might have walked, long

    ago, when legend proposed they were

    paved with gold.

  • Dead Letter

    Factory smoke and fog along
    the river. Kiss a girl and make
    her quiver. Kiss her right and
    you’re her lover. Lovers and
    warriors are what women go for.
    On the ground, head down, bodies
    all around, Manning thinks about
    his small town, as black smoke
    billows from exploding bombs.
    He envisions the lunch pail brigade
    marching off each morning to the
    factories, and women, like his mother
    slipping on aprons and dipping their
    hands into flour. He thought when
    he left home to be a hero he would
    find life sexier, surely better. The
    mountain air crackled with staccato
    gunfire. The earth shook under him.
    The barrage kept pounding them.
    Kiss a girl and make her sigh. Kiss
    a girl and make her cry, when you
    say goodbye and go to die.

  • Queen of Hearts

    Each day clouds race across the sky, a joy,
    and at night, as you close your eyes to dream,
    stars fill the sky, a delight. In between is the
    feast of life: love, friendship, wondering, all
    yours, everyone’s, and all for the savoring.

  • The Number You Have Dialed

    Cleaning out the attic, I find in the pocket of
    an old, moth eaten jacket a little Black Book.
    Within its yellowed page are the names,
    numbers, addresses of women long forgotten.
    Fog, Snow, Rain, and so on, are written beside
    each one like youthful cryptograms. Who was Ice?
    Doesn’t sound very nice. Sun sounds like fun.
    Hail? I dated Hail? Must have been hell.
    Sleet! How and where did I meet Sleet? “I am
    dating Sleet. What a treat. I’ll introduce you to
    her sister Slush. Nice stuff.” Wind, Drought,
    Thunder, every kind of weather, got to make
    you wonder. Who said women are all the same?
    There’s enough mood swings here to drive a
    man insane. Breeze, Freeze – womanizing can
    be demoralizing, bring a guy to his knees. Must
    explain some things. Mist, Hurricane, Hurricane?
    —you’d think I could put an encounter to that name.
    Got to wonder what their notations about me were
    and if they were all the same – Lame.
    The fun of being young. More like misery seeks
    company, desperately. Sun. Must have been blonde.
    Kind of makes your breath catch and your heart
    pound. Should I call that one? What would she say?
    “Lame? You again?”