The church bells toll as the storm descends.
Shanty Town is shrouded with snow.
Crystal castles, and other fairytale marvels,
cover the ramshackle houses, shabby store fronts,
clap trap shelters, toppling tenements.
The dreary mill atop the hill, glitters in the maelstrom
like a diaphanous dream dome (afloat in a cloudland).
Shape shifting spirits dance off the drifts,
fly with the flurries, twirl and pirouette.
Even the shacks and shanties, the rickety sheds,
conjure up post cards cottages and nativity scenes.
I bundle through the blizzard, bowed against the swirl,
a fragile ghost in a dream, beckoned by the bells.
Category: Poetry
The Bells
Constant is the Rain
Being and begetting, struggling and
enduring, all of it bewildering as time
passes and the church bells ring.
Like cold rain running through her
veins, the chilling feeling asDelphi
walks the ghetto streets each day,
shivering even when the sun is
blazing. While across the city
where the girls her age look so
pretty, strolling in their fashionable
clothes along the tree lined lanes
and avenues, is where she prays
she’ll live someday, somehow,
Shadows stalk her shivering steps.
Life shifts through a freezing mist,
as gunfire crackles and sirens wail
and her fate is sealed with coffin nails.
The Gift
So this guy, God, hands me a claim
ticket for a box with nothing in it.
He yawned and life went on.
“What kind of gift is this?”
I asked my parents, as if they
might know or even think about it.
“It’s a whatchamacallit.”
My father said staring at the TV.
“Go ask the Rabbi.”
My mother frowned and glared at me.
“What am I supposed to do with this
empty box?” I asked the Rabbi.
“Put something in it?”
He shrugged and scratched his head.
Profound, I thought. I hustled and
bustled and tried to fill it up.
By the time I got old the box was
as empty as when I began, the way
the stuff of life came and went.
I used it for my coffin.
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