Category: Conscious Living

  • Gas Guzzling Gaffe

    Gas just keeps going up and up. It’s crazy! What can we do? Grin and bear it? Eat less food to fill the tank? Not bloody likely. Won’t go hungry to feed that monster. Go to town less. Cut trips to once a month. Do everythin’ at once. A Band-Aid is all. Sure it’ll cut costs some. And cut pollution a little. But it’s short term. My little car already gets about 40mpg. Gotta find a better way to this Gas Guzzling Gaffe!

    All of it got me thinkin’. I’ve heard folks say, ‘That’s a scary thought… she’s been thinkin’ again, ah oh!’ Well, pppffffttt and raspberries to ya. Anyway we got a crisis as I see it. Ya’d think the great minds of the world who can split atoms, create starwars, go to the moon and back… for cripes sakes… could come up with an efficient, clean runnin’ engin’. That doesn’t use fossil fuels in any part of the process.

    Just read ’bout hydrogen fuel cells. Sure sounds good. Till ya find out that fossil fuels are used to make hydrogen, mostly. So we use fossil fuels (which we’re trying to moving away from) to make another potentially skyhigh fuel which runs clean. Got pollution in the makin’ and maybe a higher cost to boot. Don’t see a fix there. But fuel cells can run on any fuel even methane. There’s an idea! Refine and bottle cattle phoots. Recycle and reduce pollution too. Imagine the commercials for a new phootmobile. MG’s new FART – Fast Affordable Reliable Transportation. Runs on Phoots, the clean burning, recycled phoouel of the phoouture.

    Sure it’s funny but most methane is obtained from fossil fuel not cattle. So don’t think that’s a solution. Sigh! If there’s pollutin’ anywhere in the process it won’t work. Can’t use it to power anythin’. Or if there’s a limited amount and it’s not renewable or adds pollution. Can’t use it. Like oil, coal, natural gas. What if it takes land to produce that could grow food to help feed the hungry around the world. Is that a solution? It’s a quandary. We gotta think of all consequences…. long term.

    But what about right now? Been doin’ some surfing on transport. Found some interesting stuff. Short term… better fuel economy is a start. Small gasoline or hybrids for better gas mileage. But GAWD why isn’t the mpg higher. Here’s the top two fuel savers…

    smart  smartcar

    smart, a member of Mercedes-Benz Cars is produced in France. smart ForTwo, 3-cylinder, 1-liter gasoline powered engine is currently rated as the highest mileage car in the US. It is classified as an Ultra-Low Emission Vehicle (ULEV). Ratings: top speed 90mph, 33-40 mpg city, 41-45 mpg highway. Base Price: $12,235. A 100% electric smart is currently being tested in the UK.

    Toyota Motors2008-Prius-Hybrid-9 Hybrid

    Toyota Prius (hybrid-electric) is currently rated as the highest mileage gasoline/electric hybrid. It is classified as an Advanced Technology Partial Zero Emission Vehicle (ATPZEV). Ratings: 48 mpg highway, 45 mpg city. Base Price: $21,500.

    Just heard that Toyota is having trouble keeping up with demand for their hybrid. Well that good, but it still pollutes and uses fossil fuel so how about a more eco-friendly solution?

    Maybe electric? There are some in the works. Here are two…

    Tesla Motors Electric carteslaroadster

    Now in production in USA at Tesla motors a 100% electric sports car. Fast 0-60 in 3.9 seconds,  Zero emissions, 220 miles per charge, 2-3.5 hour charge. Base price: $109,000. There is a waiting list for this car.

    Just read in the July 21 issue of Newsweek that Elon Musk cofounder of Tesla Motors said “Our second product is a sedan that is about half the price and will be produced in late 2010. We think we could either directly or in partnership with a major auto company actually get to a car that is under $30,000 in four years.”

    Th!nk GlobalThink-cityElectric Car – a green machine

    Now in production in Norway and coming to the US. The Th!nk City is a 100% electric vehicle, designed for city driving. Zero emissions, 95% recyclable, made of recycled materials. It can travel up to 110 miles in city driving, top speed 65mph. Th!nk City will be sold in Europe in late 2008 and in US 2009. US price expected to be sub $25,000.

    If we go all electric it’s good. But how is that electricity produced at the plant? Does it burn fossil fuel or coal? Even atomic power plants have serious long term pollution issues. If all transportation is plug in (electric) it means higher electric demand. Many power plants can’t keep up with demand now. With brown or black outs happenin’ on real hot or cold days… all over. What happens if we add transportation to the mix? Seems this mode of electric power transportation is only a short term solution at best… with lots of limitations.

    Unless perhaps the electricity to power the vehicle is self generated somehow. Through solar or water or something other. Here is a water powered concept car with interesting potential…

    Genepax Co, Ltd.  Water Energy System (WES) concept vehicle.WES water car

    Genpax a Japanese firm has developed a system that extracts electricity from water, Zero emissions. The H2O Power concept car (WES in Reva, shown) runs on water. Genepax hopes to partner with an automaker to produce WES powered vehicles. If interested here is a website on how it works.

    Pie in the sky or the next motorized carriage???

    How about a magnetic motor? Two Australian Inventors have developed a generator which they claim will run for years on it’s own power and make 5 times the energy it uses.  Can even power a car they say with zero pollution. The video is amazing and interesting. Such potential.

    There are a lot of ideas for free energy or zero point energy machines on the Living Web. Are they true? Don’t know, but sure are interesting and have great potential.

    The sky’s the limit… it’s only limited now by what we can imagine. Let’s do great things, ask lots of questions and make this happen for the betterment of ourselves, our children and the planet!!!

    ~Bonnee Klein Gilligan

  • Cattle Cutting Cheese Catastrophe

    Cattle cutting cheese? What’s up with that? Most living creatures phoot. Why is that newsworthy? Just heard that cattle phooting is the second largest contributor to global warming.  Higher then transportation. It’s inconceivable!

    Massive numbers of ’em stockpiled. Force fed corn or soy. Hard to digest. Stomachs made for grass, so there’s massive upset. Creating voluminous gas. Now this isn’t just any phoot. It’s methane. It’s flammable. More toxic then CO2. And being released in incredible quantities. Ever driven by a stockyard? It’s a smelly mess for miles.

    The average American eats half a pound of meat a day. Twice as much as USDA recommends. So meat producers pack ’em in even more. 10,000,000,000 animals a year to feed our need. Which means more and more stinkin’ phoots pollutin’ the air. It’s a Cattle Cutting Cheese Catastrophe.

    But there’s more…

    Mark Bittman a food critic, discusses the current state of our food. Too much meat, too few plants and too much fast food is putting our lives and the planet at risk. Watch this entertaining and enlightening video to find out how. It’s funny, fascinating and firey.

    Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

    TED: Ideas worth spreading:

    July 2, 2008 – BBC reports that higher amounts of fruits, vegetables, cereals and less red meat, plus more olive oil are a healthier diet. More…

    ~Bonnee Klein Gilligan

  • The Invitation by Oriah Mountain Dreamer, Indian Elder

    It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living.

    I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing.

    It doesn’t interest me how old you are.

    I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dreams, for the adventure of being alive.

    It doesn’t interest me what planets are squaring your moon.

    I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life’s betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear or further pain! I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it or fade it or fix it. I want to know if you can be with JOY, mine or your own; if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful, be realistic, or to remember the limitations of being human.

    It doesn’t interest me if the story you’re telling me is true.

    I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself; if you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul. I want to know if you can be faithful and therefore be trustworthy. I want to know if you can see beauty even when it is not pretty everyday, and if you can source your life from ITS presence. I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand on the edge of a lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, “YES!”

    It doesn’t interest me to know where you live or how much money you have.

    I want to know if you can get up after the night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone, and do what needs to be done for the children.

    It doesn’t interest me who you are, how you came to be here.

    I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back.

    It doesn’t interest me where or what or with whom you have studied.

    I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away. I want to know if you can be alone with yourself, and if you can truly like the company you keep in the empty moments.

    ~Bonnee Klein Gilligan

  • Outrageous Organic Ostracism

    I’m in this clique of ‘health nuts’ now. Put there by friends and family. How nice of them! Say I’m a ravin’, ‘save the planet’, ‘organic vegetable eatin’, liberal. Not at all who everyone thought I WAS! Humph! Never thought I’d see THAT day. The neat little slot I’m filed in contains others with the same ‘strange thinking’. Not who I am of course. I care some. About myself. About my health. About my impact on ‘everyone’ and ‘everything’. And visa versa too. So I’m chastised for it. I’m an outcast livin’ in Outrageous Organic Ostracism hell.

    And the other side is even stranger. I’m ‘rich & famous’ ’cause I eat organic. Put you in this slot ’cause everyone who eats organic must be wealthy’. Right? This is an exclusive club only some can afford… ‘Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous’. A bloody marketing ploy. Was having a conversation with a couple of guys the other day. One said, “Having a pre-lunch carbo load of organic fruit loops.” Another replied, “First of all, there are organic Fruit Loops? And second, they have carbs? The mind boggles.” They first guy replied, “Whole foods sells organic fruit loops. Sure, they’re $30 a box, but so good.” I retorted, “Our local health food store has ’em for $5 bucks a box. You be getting ripped off son.” Healthier food doesn’t have too cost a lot. Geez. He actually got mad and stomped off. I’m baffled. Must have blown his image or somethin’. Outrageous Organic Ostracism.

    I’m just an average kinda gal, don’t come near to rich. But gawd, the thought of livin’, breathin’ and eatin’ 24/7/365 in a cesspool of toxic chemicals and pollution hit me like a ton of bricks. Gotta do something. So I’m livin’ this organic, more conscious lifestyle, now. Right? And thinkin’ I’ve got to deprive myself. Organic means healthy food. So have to stay away from of all the things I love. Like chocolate chip cookies. Ooohhh, I just love chocolate chip cookies… darn!!!

    My roommate’s birthday was coming up and I asked her what she wanted. She said, “Chocolate chip, pecan cookies. My favorite. I’d love that.” I replied, “We’re organic, can’t make chocolate chip cookies.” She said, “Yes you can. Organic doesn’t mean health food it means naturally grown without added chemicals, pesticides and herbicides. You just use organic ingredients.” Wow, I hadn’t considered that. That’s Right! Like my grandmother.

    Made a big batch of organic chocolate chip pecan cookies. Same recipe I always usedMy organic chocolate chip pecan cookies only organic ingredients, plus ground flax. Organic is every bit as decadent and delicious. In fact I’d have to say they tasted even better.

    Told a high school friend about the organic birthday cookies. He said, “Ah, organic dessert? Boy, I don’t know. If you are going to eat dessert, ‘ya gotta eat real stuff.” I replied, “Organic, the new buzzword. Organic just means back to basics. The way my Gran Gran did things in her garden with manure, compost, worms… al Natural.” I handed him a cookie. He took a bite, groaned and said, “Geez these are good. Gimme another!”

    Birthday cookies gone. Everyone is pounding fists, stamping feet, shouting, “More, more, more. Make some more!!!” Need crowd control.

    Here’s my riotous recipe for your tasting pleasure:

    Chocolate chip, pecan cookies

    1 cup organic unbleached flour
    1/3 cup organic whole wheat flour
    1/2 cup organic ground flax seed
    1/2 teaspoon sea salt
    1/2 teaspoon baking soda
    1/2 cup organic unsalted butter (1 stick softened)
    1/2 cup organic unbleached cane sugar
    1/2 cup brown sugar
    1/2 teaspoon Madagascar pure vanilla extract
    1 large organic egg
    1 cup Fair Trade chocolate chips
    1/2 cup local pecans (or walnuts)

    Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In a medium bowl sift together dry ingredients. In mixer, cream butter with white, brown sugar and vanilla. Add egg. when thoroughly mixed add chips and nuts. Drop by teaspoons onto ungreased cookie sheet.

    Bake 375 F, 9 – 11 minutes. Cool slightly. Dig in!!!

    I’m happy. My stomach is happy… cookies! Yea! The earth is happy too. Another people/planet friendly solution.

    If your grocery or health food market doesn’t carry any of the ingredients request them. Ours will special order and stock it if enough folks ask. A source for Fair Trade chocolate online is New American Dream

    ~Bonnee Klein Gilligan

  • Santa is Seriously Soggy

    Was surfing the web looking at other folks pages. Following links. Came upon Al at Gore that is. Watched his new video. Looks like he’s been talking to more of them scientists about that climate crisis.

    It’s worse then we thought. Santa’s losin’ his home! Oh it’s not foreclosure or anything like that. Seems the ground is melting right out from under him. The North Pole is melting!!! Can you imagine! In 5 years Santa home will sink under water. Never to return. Oh there’ll still be skim ice over winter. But the real deep hard stuff will be gone.

    Emergency!!! We gotta’ save Santa! And what about the reindeer? Where will they live? And all the elves? That means no more toys for Christmas. What about the children? They’ll be no more presents. This is a crisis I tell you!!! A real CRISIS!

    But Al says there’s something we can do. ‘Take action’ he says, “Don’t just change light bulbs. Change consciousness. Become active. Talk, write, communicate. Be proactive.” Ok, Al  I’m proactivatin’.

    Holding air mic, singin’ (to the song ‘Grandma got run over by a reindeer’ by Elmo & Patsy)…

    Santa won’t be commin’ with his reindeer
    Landin’ on your house on Christmas Eve
    ‘Cause Santa lost his house when North Pole melted
    Now he and Mrs. Clause live on the street.

    Save Santa’s home. Proactivate. Help stop the melt!

    ~Bonnee Klein Gilligan


    Al Gore’s new thinking on the climate crisis. Click on the link to watch this new video.

    Other breaking News:

    Permafrost Threatened by Rapid Retreat of Arctic Sea Ice, NCAR/NSIDC Study Finds

    Newsweek reported in the July 7-14, 2008 issue Global Warming Is a Cause of This Year’s Extreme Weather