Category: Conscious Living

  • ‘Smokin’ Heaven?’ – Alexander Petrenko

    Arieal view smoke above Moscow, Russia photo ©Alexander Petrenko

    ‘Smokin’ Heaven?’ photograph by Alexander Petrenko

    ‘Smokin’ Heaven?’ is my name for this interesting, fun and amazing photograph. Is Heaven above us? Alexander saw this group of Heavenly golfers over Moscow, Russia and captured it. How cool is that ‘Heavenly Smokin’ Golfers’. Don’t know if it’s truly Heaven, but it’s a wonderful reminder. Even in smoke we can see life and Creator’s love. It’s everywhere… all around we just need to stop, pause, breathe and see. Amazing! Thank you beloved Creator for this wonderful whimsical reminder. Cough, cough!

    Alexander’s name for the photo is “Оказывается, тут тоже есть жизнь…” (“It occurs, here also there is life…”). The aerial photograph was taken over Kiev-Moscow, Russia on the approach to Sheremet’yevo Airport. He says, “I officially explain this is the photo as it appeared winter 2006, with no editing other then crop and resize.” You can see more of his wonderful photos on his photo blog or read Petrenko blog.

    Archipelago of Sulu photograph ©Farl Another beautiful reminder of Creator’s love is this photo of Archipelago of Sulu taken by Farl. It looks like an island with a heart cut out of the center. He calls it Donut Hole. You can see more lovely photos from Farl at

    I found both photos while perusing ‘The World From Above: The Beauty Of Aerial Photography‘. Enjoy!

    ~Bonnee Klein Gilligan

  • Alien World?

    Ice Halo in Sweden  ©2009 Ivar Marthinusen

    ‘Alien World?’ photo by Ivar Marthinusen

    ‘Alien World?’ is my name for this magnificent photograph . This strangely beautiful flat alien landscape looks like a lake of steaming gas which tumbles into a misty void with rainbow columns and a second sun. Is this a planet near Betelgeuse? Maybe it’s in a 2 dimensional universe somewhere other? Or perhaps this is Tolkien’s Middle Earth floating, hovering in between? What to you see?

    It’s actually on Earth. The photo was taken at a ski resort in Åre, Sweden by Ivar Marthinusen on Jan. 27, 2009. A view of the world from above atop a mountain… with sun, clouds, mist, snow, ice halo and a subsun. Thank you, thank you, thank you beloved Creator for this otherworldly, amazing, magnificent creation. WOW, I’m in awe!

    Space Weather featured one of Ivar’s photos on their home page February 1. The photo above was on a page with others taken on the same day. They say of the photos…

    “Skiing photographer Ivar Matheson did everything right on Jan. 27th when he took the picture above. “I was at the Ãre ski resort in Sweden. It was a sunny day and the air was filled with ice crystals. This gave rise to an impressive display of luminous sun halos, sundogs, sub-sundogs, subsuns, upper and lower sun pillars and tangent arcs.” The complete collection is a must-see.”

    ~Bonnee Klein Gilligan

  • Inspired by Light – 2009 Trend Forecast

    Inspired by Light photograph  ©Olivia Jordan

    ‘Inspired by Light’ photograph by Olivia Jordan

    ‘Inspired by Light’ is my name for this amazing photograph. In awe and wonder, outstretched hands hold Light. Grasping sun. Glistening rays circle. Star burst. The Light which illumines…  us. Magnificent reminder Olivia!


    Economic Trend forecast for 2009?

    A snippet of the prediction by Gerald Celente, Editor and Publisher, The Trends Journal, Rhinebeck, New York:

    “In 2007, we predicted the Panic of 2008 and that was mostly in the financial areas. Now we’re going to see it in the Collapse of 2009 spread beyond financials throughout society. It’s underway. It’s happening before our eyes. This is a collapse of monumental proportions. Every day the news is filled with one disaster after another. There’s nothing, nothing, they can do to stop this – other than a productive capacity and maybe an alternative energy, something along the lines of the discovery of fire or the invention of the wheel! (laughs) But it has to be really monumental. We can’t do it by printing money…. you can read the full article at: or see Celente’s website Trends Research.


    My thoughts…

    There certainly is much fear in Celente’s prediction. I read the 2008 trend forecast in January 2007. At that time he said based on the financial trends he saw, there would be an Economic 911 and it would start with one really big bank failure and go from there. He was right! In other years he predicted a boom and upsurge… he was in all the media from NBC News to The Wall Street Journal with that prediction. He was right then too. No one really wants to hear bad news.

    I think his 2009 prediction is right on based on how it feels right now. There’s a boiling undercurrent of frustration and disbelief, moving toward explosive anger. There is massive change in the wind. A revolution of sorts. And it’s not about money… none of it ultimately is about the green stuff. The outcome will ultimately be based on what we want… everything is consciousness. So just like we turned the prophesy about Y2K around by shifting our consciousness… we can shift this too.

    One very big factor which hasn’t been taken into account in all of this is our Divinity and the power of thought and feeling. We are not helpless victims, nor are we the same peoples we were before the Great Depression. We have grown Spiritually… if you doubt that just look to the movie industry for some examples… we’ve got Spiritual Cinema Circle, The Secret, Celestine Prophesy, Conversations with God and so many more uplifting mind/spirit altering ‘Creator films’. Today we are also more telepathic and more of us clearly see that which is untrue or trying to be hidden.

    This is a global restructuring effecting all life. The questions arise…  do we want to shift? Do we believe we can? What do we want as an outcome? Which path do we WANT to take? What are appropriate actions? What is the highest good for All That Is? Nothing is ever written in stone. Perhaps this is our next collective test or assignment. We are all Masters… either of Divine Expression or Limitation… acting with Love or reacting from Fear. We hold the answers in our hearts and hands… inspired by Light. What do you choose?

    ~Bonnee Klein Gilligan

  • Opalescent Sky

    Lee Wave Iridescence by Harold Leinbach

    ‘Opalescent Sky’ photo by Harold Leinbach

    ‘Opalescent Sky’ is my name for this exquisite photograph. Again Creator treats us to beautiful displays reminding us that everything is sacred and that we progress. What colors and patterns! Again we are shown colors that aren’t ‘normally’ seen in a rainbow spectrum… pastels… turquoise, pink, lavender, golden pink. And is that an eight or infinity? Perhaps a message of our infinite nature… everything is possible… endless possibilities. Our visualizations of Divine Nature made manifest. This sky is magnificent! Thank you, thank you for this gift, again… thank you Beloved Creator. You continue to awe and amaze with beauty and majesty.

    Photo was taken in Boulder, Colorado January 2, 2009 by Harold Leinbach. He says of the sky,

    “The pastel colors were lovely and the billowing cloud shapes were quite fascinating.”


    Atmospheric optics expert Les Cowley explains: “For brightly-colored iridescence you need cloud droplets of all the same size. You get that if all the droplets have formed at the same time and experienced the same history. Dynamic conditions inside a lee cloud are just what the doctor ordered. The clouds look stationary but inside there is a ‘factory conveyor’ with uniform droplets formed at one end and evaporated at the other. Voila – iridescence.”

    Lee waves may be found downwind of all mountains–not just the Rockies. If you live in the lee, keep an eye out for pastels in the sky.

    ~Bonnee Klein Gilligan

  • Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Fire

    'Night Streaker' photo by Howard Edin September 30, 2008

    ‘Night Streaker’ photo by Howard Edin. Captured from the Okie-Tex Star Party, September 30, 2008

    ‘Night Streaker’ is my name for this beautiful… awe filled sight. A fireball streaks by Orion through the night sky. Glorious displays lighting up the skies all over the world. Thank you Beloved Creator, thank you!


    The American Meteor Society says it has had 45 separate fireballs reported to them so far in 2009. There were 40 fireballs reported during the month of January in 2008. In the last 90 days there have been sightings in: California, Sweden, New Zealand, Middle East, Canada, Africa, Argentina, Vancouver B.C., Colorado, West Virginia, Washington, Oregon, Arizona, Ireland, Brazil, China… more.

    January 19 – Fireball in Southern California
    January 19, 2009 5:33pm PST a brilliant fireball was reported by over 24 people from California, Nevada and Arizona. It was reported to be as bright as the full moon magnitude -13.


    Scandinavian Fireball 1-17-09January 17 – Fireball in Sweden

    January 17, 2009 19:09 UT,  a beautiful brilliant blue sky was Creator’s gift as a fireball lit the night in Scandinavia. It exploded with a rumbling boom. The photo is from a video. You can see videos, read reports and articles at TV2 ØST or Scandinavian Fireball.


    My thoughts…

    Are there more fireballs? It seems like there are more sightings… but maybe we are just gazing at the sky more… aware… looking… waiting for something. When we see something we gasp in wonder, point and say, ‘oh ah… amazing, glorious!’ or ‘ah oh… doom and gloom!’ Are these sightings apocalyptic? Are they signs of the end?

    I see them a signs… wonderful signs of change. More of Creator’s gifts and blessings. Messages to get our attention… they say, ‘Stop for a moment, watch… pause… breathe… Be’. When we are awe filled, in appreciation and wonder we are One… and in that moment we begin to feel and recognize our Oneness.

    All of the glorious blessings Creator showers upon us daily are signs of change. Signs of the ending of old ways which no longer work. Like the snake sloughing off of old skin to be renewed or the phoenix being consumed by fire then reborn from its’ own ash. Not end as in death or cataclysm… but end of a cycle. Now we are reborn into our full glory and majesty… as we were originally intended to be.

    Now is the cycle or yuga of Light… 2,000 years of Peace. Christ has come…  Buddha is here… it is Us… we are That!  The waiting is over… today is 2012… the time we’ve been waiting for is NOW. It is not about a timeline or calendar date… it is about raising and changing consciousness. We have fully embraced ourselves, climbed the mountain and are standing on the peak saying, ‘Who am I? Where am I? What am I?’.

    Now we remake ourselves. From this moment… do all with joy. Remake yourself into what you have always dreamed. Create! This is the Grace of NOW!

    Be the glorious greatness that you are my friend. Love from the depths of your being … everything… all. Rejoice!

    ~Bonnee Klein Gilligan