Hawaiian Volunteering Opportunity

O'ahu - Honolulu - Capitol District: 'Iolani P...
Image by wallyg via Flickr

I am talking about a site I found some time ago when I had a Hawaii infatuation about something I never thought existed: the Hawaiian royal palace, ‘Iolani Palace.Throughout its history, Hawaii was first a democratized tribal society, then turned into a monarchy until the U.S.A. forcibly (no pun intended, I’m just stating historical facts, I don’t have anything against US foreign policies, or do I?) imposed their influence and abolished the monarchy. The Palace I am talking about is one of the few memories from the royal age, and it could very well be “the only official state residence of royalty in the United States“, as we read on the homepage. The palace is now a museum with various possibilities for visits, a wide range of events showing tourists the Hawaiian cultural traditions and history.What really got me going was their volonteering program, to which you can find a full description here. I am thinking of doing that sometime next year. ^^


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