Light Portal, photo by Aigar Truhin

Light Pillar photo ©Aigar Truhin

‘Light Portal’ photograph by Aigar Truhin (Dec. 2008)

‘Light Portal’ is my name for this amazing photograph taken December 28. A visible portal or columned pathway of White Light in the  night sky above Latvia. And between the columns at the end of the path can you see the face? Is it Christ? Or Buddha? Or God blessing our return?  I am in awe… thank you beloved Creator, thank you for this amazing blessing!


Pathways of Light

Pillars of Light

arched walkways

the path is formed

beckoning, remember…

come… come, walk… fly

we await you… come.

Inspired by the amazing photo above.


The wonderful photo above was taken by Aigar Truhin in Sigulda, Latvia on  Dec. 28, 2008. You can see more of his photos at

Aigar says of the image:

Last night air in the Sigulda was very cold and filled with small ice crystals, when we see bright Light Pillars in the sky. My son say: I know, The Aliens are coming!

Space Weather featured one of Truhin’s photos on their home page January 2 & 3, 2009.  With the following explanation…

MYSTERY PILLARS: “Truhin’s pillars, however, are not the ordinary kind. Even two leading experts in atmospheric optics can’t quite figure them out: “These pillars are mysterious,” say Les Cowley and Marko Riikonen. “They have unexplained curved tops and even curved arcs coming from their base. Arcs in rare displays like these could be from column crystals to give parts of tangent arcs, others could be the enigmatic Moilanan arc or even the recently discovered reflected Parry arc. We do not know – so take more photos on cold nights!”

~Bonnee Klein Gilligan


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