Max and the Fairies

Michael Orwick-max and the fairies

Max and the Fairies by Michael Orwick – Oil on Canvas, 16″ x 20″

Karuna Kitty       Whimsical, sweet and beautiful. I really relate to this painting. Poor Max is being tormented and cajoled by the fairies. They want him to play and he looks like he is saying, “Just leave me  alone, not again.” I’ve seen my cat often playing with or being poked by fairies. But he usually doesn’t look forlorn like Max. Sometimes he turns around and swats at them, sometimes he runs and every once in a while he looks surprised and jumps. The dreaded fairy poke. Got ya! The photo right is the ‘Naah aw’ look before he pounces or runs after them. It’s a great good game. Max and the Fairies is in Michael’s Whimsical collection. Lovely work!

Michael says, “There is a reason we are drawn toward beauty, it is the language of God and nature. To me there is nothing more provocative than beauty, it inspires deep reflection and motivates me to create.”

Michael Orwick Michael Orwick born 1975 in Astoria, Oregon. Traveled to Australia where he began drawing. Graduated with a major in Illustration from Pacific Northwest College of Art in Portland, Oregon. You can see more of Michael’s beautiful work, buy paintings or prints, and read his light hearted ramblings at his website

~Bonnee Klein Gilligan


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