Oh beautiful for smoggy skies, insecticided grain,
For strip-mined mountain's majesty above the asphalt plain.
America, America, man sheds his waste on thee,
And hides the pines with billboard signs, from sea to oily sea.

-- George Carlin


Project Learning Tree or Project Lying Tree?

Project Learning Tree, the most widely used environmental curricula (funded by the biggest timber corporations on Earth) is duping teachers and children nationwide. Yet no one seems to give them any tough questions. By John Borowski -- September 2003




Lieut.- Col. E. F. Kelaart of Ceylon: The brief yet influential life of a little known Naturalist by Rohan H. Wickramasinghe, Ph.D. -- October 1998

Teniente Coronel E. F. Kelaart de Ceilán: La vida breve pero influyente de un naturalista poco conocido por Rohan H. Wickramasinghe, Ph.D. (Doctor en filosofía) -- Octobre 1998

Ceylonin everstiluutnantti E. F. Kelaart: Vähän tunnetun luonnontieteilijän lyhyt, mutta vaikuttava elämä Kirjoittaja: filosofian tohtori Rohan H. Wickramasinghe



Searching for the Thorn: Antioch University student Cason Swindle examines what could be the inevitable collapse of the human race in it's tug-of-war with the global environment -- March 1998

En busca de la espina: Cason Swindle, alumno de la Universidad de Antioquía, analiza cuál podría ser el colapso inevitable de la raza humana en su lucha con el medio ambiente mundial -- March 1998

Piikki lihassa: Antiokian yliopiston oppilas Cason Swindle tutkii ihmiskunnan mahdollisesti väistämätöntä häviämistä ihmisten ja ympäristön välisen kamppailun tuloksena

Op zoek naar de Doorn: Cason Swindle van de Antioch Universiteit onderzoekt wat wel eens de onvermijdelijke ondergang van de mens kan worden in zijn krachtmeting met het milieu

Cercando la spina: Cason Swindle, studente dell’ Antioch University,
esamina quello che potrebbe essere l’inevitabile collasso della razza umana nel suo braccio di ferro con l’ambiente mondiale.



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