Babel: Because getting to heaven is only half the battle


Language Dictionaries & Pronunciation Guides


Multilingual Dictionaries

ENGLISH, DANISH, DUTCH, FINNISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, ITALIAN, LATIN, PORTUGUESE, SPANISH & SWEDISH - ECSC-EC-EAEC, Brussels, Luxembourg VERY EXTENSIVE. "EURODICAUTOM is a electronic dictionary of terminology containing terms, acronyms and abbreviations of all the aspects of the European Union Activities." For more information see EURODICAUTOM


CJK (CHINESE-JAPANESE-KOREAN) - A.C. Muller, Toyo Gakuen University, Japan Multimedia (Text & Images). For more information see Resources for the Study of Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism

CYBERDICO: ONLINE WORD TRANSLATOR - ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN & ITALIAN - Linguistic-Webmaster & Databases Builder: A. Bonucci, Department of Linguistics, University Lumière Lyon 2, France VERY EXTENSIVE - VERY FAST. For more information see Sign Language Web Site; Welcome to Sign Language or Alexandria Bonucci's Home Page

Also available Cyberdico (FRAMES)


DEUTSCH - FRANZöSISCH / FRANZöSISCH - DEUTSCH / DEUTSCH - ENGLISCH - Zeres GmbH. Bochum, Deutschland For more information see Zeres GmbH. Bochum, Deutschland

GERMAN TRANSLATOR: FROM ENGLISH, SPANISH, GERMAN, FRENCH OR ITALIAN - Bigben and Rivendell International Communications For more information see Rivendell's Machine Translation Dictionary

GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL AND POPULAR MEDICAL TERMS IN NINE EUROPEAN LANGUAGES "This project was commissioned by The European Commission and executed by Heymans Institute of Pharmacology and Mercator School, Department of Applied Linguistics." For more information see The European Commission; Heymans Institute for Pharmacology (English Version); Vakgroep Farmacologie Heymans Instituut (Nederlandstalige versie - Dutch version) or the Universiteit Gent (University of Ghent), Belgium

Medical Dictionary (Clickable by alphabetical order, i.e.; a,b,c, etc.)

Dansk (Danish)

Deutsche (German)


Español (Spanish)

Français (French)

Italiano (Italian)

Nederlands (Dutch)

Português (Portuguese)


"ENGLISH-HINDI-JAPANESE" - K. Machida, Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan For more information see ILCAA Laboratories; Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa or Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

LOGOS DICTIONARY - Logos Group, Italy "This freely-accessible database, compiled without any form of public contribution, is growing constantly because it's updated and corrected on line by our network of professional translators." For more information see Logos Home Page

TEXTILE TECHNICAL DICTIONARY: ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN & SPANISH - BemarNet Management, Spain This dictionary consists of more than ten thousand words and expressions in four languages relating to the textile sector..." For more information see BemarNet Management, Spain

TRAVLANG'S TRANSLATING DICTIONARIES: GERMAN, DUTCH, FRENCH, SPANISH, DANISH, PORTUGUESE AND AFRIKAANS - Travlang "Travlang is proud to offer many on-line translating dictionaries!"

WORDBOT (FRAMES): LANGUGAE TRANSLATION DICTIONARIES - K. Golden, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington "Wordbot is an experimental system for automating reference lookup on the web. When you load a page through Wordbot (such as the page you are now viewing), you can click on any word to look up its meaning in a dictionary." For more informaton see Keith Golden's Home Page


Language Grammars WW


A WEB OF ONLINE GRAMMARS - R. Beard, Linguistics Program, Bucknell University VERY EXTENSIVE. For more information see Dictionaries Online Home Page or Lexeme-Morpheme Base Morphology - R. Beard, Bucknell University


Multilingual Pronunciation Guides


FOREIGN LANGUAGES FOR TRAVELERS (Fremdsprachen für Reisende) (Langues Etrangères pour Voyageurs) - M.C. Martin, Travlang VERY EXTENSIVE. Currently contains over 60 languages.


Sign Language & Braille


SIGN LANGUAGE: FRENCH, ENGLISH, GERMAN & ITALIAN - Linguistic-Webmaster & Databases Builder: A. Bonucci, Department of Linguistics, University Lumière Lyon 2, France VERY EXTENSIVE - VERY FAST. For more information see Welcome to Sign Language or Alexandria Bonucci's Home Page

Online databases include:

French Signs Database Dictionary English

Recherche dans la Base de Donn&eacutees Français

Ricerca nella Banca Dati Italiano

Cybersign Database Search English, French

Hands English, French, Italian, Russian, Swedish & Pinyn

Sign Language (FRAMES)



Sign Language

ONLINE ASL DICTIONARY - J. Lapiak, Deaf World Interactive Visual using GIF Animation. VERY VERY EXTENSIVE. Includes: Words, Alphabet & Numbers. "Animation Repetition: Once or twice, depending on expression." For more information see DEAF WORLD WEB

Some Examples include:

Manual Alphabets

Online Literatrue: the Gnat and Bull


ASL SPELLING STUDY: THE ALPHABET (SHOCKWAVE) - J. Duber, College of Writing, Univeristy of California, Berkeley VERY EXTENSIVE. For more information see Jim Duber's Home Page

THE ANIMATED AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE DICTIONARY - R. Stine "This site is designed to help you and me learn more about ASL and the Deaf community." For more information see Randy Stine's Home Page

INTERACTIVE ASL ALPHABET GUIDE - Designed by: J. Thingelstad, E. Pearson & T. Fitzgerald and hosted by the Disability Services, University of Minnesota For more information see Welcome to the ASL Alphabet & Braille Guide or Disability Services, University of Minnesota



INTERACTIVE BRAILLE GUIDE - Designed by: J. Thingelstad, E. Pearson & T. Fitzgerald and hosted by the Disability Services, University of Minnesota For more information see Welcome to the ASL Alphabet & Braille Guide or Disability Services, University of Minnesota

BRAILLE MUSIC PAGE - B. Hugh, University of Missouri, Kansas City, MO For more information see BrailleM: The Braille Music List or Brent Hugh's Music Instruction Software

BRAILLE ASCII CHART - Liz Gray For more information see Braille Codes or Braille Transcribing

INTRODUCTION TO BRAILLE: ONLINE COURSE - R.R. Gotwals, Jr. & R. Gately, The Shodor Education Foundation, Inc. "An on-line educational offering designed to help train sighted educators and current/future sighted braille transcribers." For more information see The Shodor Education Foundation, Inc.



GERMAN SIGN LANGUAGE DICTIONARY ON PSYCHOLOGY - Zentrum für Deutsche Gebärdensprache und Kommunikation Gehorloser, Universität Hamburg, Germany VERY EXTENSIVE. For more information see Zentrum für Deutsche Gebärdensprache und Kommunikation Gehorloser



SIGN LANGUAGE: The Swedish Manual Alphabet - Department of Sign Language, Department of Linguistics, Stockholm University For more information see Department of Linguistics (Inst för lingvistik vid Stockholms universitet)



RUSSIAN MANUAL ALPHABET - J. Kautz, University of Washington For more information see Russian Sign Language Project

Other Interactive Russian Sign Language projects include

Russian Signs in QuickTime Movie Format


Language Specific Dictionaries


Chechen - Language & Translation Dictionaries

CHECHEN-GERMAN-CHECHEN - J. Heinecke, Lehrstuhl Computerlinguistik, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany For more information see Johannes Heinecke's Home Page


Chinese - Language & Translation Dictionaries

CHINESE CHARACTER PRONUNCIATIONS "This is a JavaScript application for showing Mandarin pronunciations of Chinese characters. If you have some Chinese text and you don't know the pronunciation, you can find out by using your mouse to cut and paste it into this application." For more information see Worldwide Phlogiston Cartel

ZHONGWEN ZIPU - CHINESE CHARACTER GENEALOGY: AN ETYMOLOGICAL CHINESE-ENGLISH DICTIONARY - R. Harbaugh, Pittsburgh, PA "This unusual dictionary uses charts and explanations to show the close relationships between Chinese characters." VERY EXTENSIVE.


Czech/Cesky - Language & Translation Dictionaries

CZECH-GERMAN/GERMAN-CZECH - Authors: O. Vrtel & M. Vit, Technical University of Brno, Czech Republic


Danish/Dansk - Language & Translation Dictionaries

DANISH-JAPANESSE/JAPANESSE-DANISH - M. Osada, ÿrsted Laboratoriet, University of Copenhagen, Denmark "This script outputs documents in Japanese. ISO-2022-JP(known as JIS) & Shift-JIS is used as Japanese encoding method." For more information see Masayuki Osada's Homepage


Dutch/Hollandse - Language & Translation Dictionaries

DUTCH/NEDERLANDSE DICTIONARY - Van Dale Lexicografie, a Wolters Kluwer NV subsidiary, Holland "Van Dale Lexicografie, a Wolters Kluwer NV subsidiary, is the largest publisher of dictionaries in the Dutch language area. For more information see Home Page


English - Language Dictionaries


Dictionaries General

WORD NET 1.6 - Cognitive Science Laboratory, Princeton University Multimedia. VERY EXTENSIVE. HTML or JAVA. "WordNet is an on-line lexical reference system whose design is inspired by current psycholinguistic theories of human lexical memory. English nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are organized into synonym sets, each representing one underlying lexical concept. Different relations link the synonym sets." Includes: Definition, Synonyms, Antonyms, Holonyms, Hypernyms, Meronyms, Troponyms, Familarity & Coordinate Terms. For more informaton see WordNet or the Cognitive Science Laboratory, Princeton University

DICTIONARY: CASEY SNOW'S REVERSE DICTIONARY - V. Faber, T. Thomas, M. Murphy, C. McEvilly, J. MacCuish, D. Carstensen and 'The Visionary: C. Fraber", Los Alamos National Lab (LANL) "Finally, the remedy for that tip-of-the-tongue feeling! You type in a definition, and Casey's dictionary will tell you which word you are trying to think of!"

ENGLISH DICTIONARY - Youngsoo Lee, Department of Computer Science, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Korea For more information see Department of Computer Science or Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Korea

THE DICTIONARY OF PHRASE AND FABLE - Data Text Publishing Ltd., U.K. "This classic work of reference - described as a browser's joy - has been in popular demand since 1870. The Dictionary is extensively cross referenced, lending itself ideally, to the hypertext environment. This First Hypertext Edition is taken from Dr. Brewer's substantially revised and extended edition of 1894." For more information see Bibliomania or Data Text Publishing Ltd.

WEBSTER DICTIONARY - Merriam-Webster, Inc., "Look up a definition, pronunciation, etymology, spelling, or usage point in the WWWebster Dictionary (the on-line version of Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition)." For more information see Merriam-Webster Online

WEBSTER INTERFACE HYPERTEXT - B. Yee, University of California, San Diego "This hypertext Webster interface provides a point-and-click client interface (for non-linemode browsers) for accessing the various Webster's dictionary services on the Internet". For more infromation see Bennet Yee' Home Page

WEB DICTIONARY - J. Harris, Yale University "The entries in
WebDictionary are defined by pages on the web; this provides a truly
eclectic assortment of useful information and frivolity that only something as diverse and creative as the web could generate."

WEBSTERS: HYPERTEXT QUERY USING 'HYPERFLOW' - D.L. Goldstein "This is HyperFlow, a evolving hypertextual dictionary. It is in an experimental phase, and should be considered absolutely not ready for public release. However you can play with it all you like. Feel free to explore and to create! Just click on a word and see what happens!"

WORDBOT (FRAMES) - K. Golden, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington "Wordbot is an experimental system for automating reference lookup on the web. When you load a page through Wordbot (such as the page you are now viewing), you can click on any word to look up its meaning in a dictionary." For more informaton see Keith Golden's Home Page



ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS - P. Flynn, University College Cork, Ireland Currently includes: Search for an acronym; Search for a word in the expansions and see the related acronyms; and Submit an acronym for inclusion in the database. For more information see University College Cork, Ireland



ANAGRAMS - A. Garg "A word or phrase made by transposing the letters of another word or phrase". For more information see Anu Garg Home Page

WEBSTER ANAGRAM ENGINE - D. Jackson "Welcome to the Webster Project's WWW Anagram Engine!"



WORD NET 1.6 - ANTONYMS: "OPPOSITE WORD, OPPOSITE" - Cognitive Science Laboratory, Princeton University Multimedia. VERY EXTENSIVE. HTML or JAVA. Includes: Definition, Synonyms, Antonyms, Holonyms, Hypernyms, Meronyms, Troponyms, Familarity & Coordinate Terms. For more informaton see WordNet or the Cognitive Science Laboratory, Princeton University


Next Page:

Antonyms || Grammar & Writing || Holonyms || Hypernyms || Language Identifier & Translators || Meronyms || Quotations || Rhyming || Synonyms || Thesaurus || Troponyms

Finnish || French || German || Japanese || Korean || Kurdish || Latin || Norweigian || Paraguayan || Polish || Portuguese || Spanish || Swedish || Turkish || Welsh ||

Language Databases & Resources WW


Babel: Fixing God’s mistake