We began planning and organizing our theme camp back in July, our theme being "The Artists Republic of Fremont" (not just a theme camp, but an autonomous nation). We decided we would give out passports which people could have stamped for entry into our camp and other participating camps (which turned out to be a great way of breaking the ice as people wandered from camp to camp). We had an Immigration and Naturalization Booth with officers of Fremont who interrogated the passport applicants with questions of a personal and absurd nature, as well as a puppet as dictator who was deposed in a coup d’etat on Saturday (and roasted in the fire on Sunday night along with the Man).

We had all pooled our money to pay for a) the materials for a grand shade structure which we built out of nylon fabric and PVC pipe, b) the food for three communal dinner meals, and c) gas to haul down bikes, coolers, lawn furniture and other miscellaneous goodies which made our stay on the playa a pleasant experience.


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